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Benefits of membership


In the big scheme of life the Portland Sheep may not be the highest priority, but it's the small things that often add the most value and joy. So the first benefit of membership is that you are supporting this bundle of happiness and ensuring the survival of the Portland Sheep for future generations.

But it is not all about the sheep, what do you get from membership?


If you are a breeder, if your business can be supported by the Portland, or if you just love the little breed then membership provides you with:

  • New members pack

  • Regular Newsletters ensuring you are up to date with the group’s activities

  • News updates via email

  • Free advertising space in the Newsletters

  • Free advertising space on the Portland Sheep Breeders web page

  • Commercial opportunities generated by the promotions of the Portland Sheep Breeders Group

  • Your products can be promoted at local shows by the PSBG

  • Invitations to our annual gatherings

  • Attractive calendar annually

  • Help and support in keeping your stock

  • And you will be a member of a friendly group of like-minded people who just enjoy simple things like sheep

  • Open to all the family


What more could you ask for?

Membership Application


If you would like to become a member, the annual subscription is just £15, please complete the application below and return it to our membership secretary. Following your initial payment by Cheque, BACS or on line the new members pack will include a Direct Debit if this is your preferred payment method.


Membership of the Portland Sheep Breeders Group costs £15.00

Membership for children is £10.00


Please note that you do not have to keep sheep to join!


Please download an application form below and return via the contacts page


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